Wednesday, October 17, 2007

tips for training

Dear world ,

My name is GMan and this is my joyride junior.Suppose you have an upcoming
race and you don't think you're ready.Well,you simply listen to these tip's .1.Go on daily
rides and try to climb a mountain or hill.2.If you want, ride you're bike to school.

Practice picking up your bike and make sure you can hold it up long enough
to make it over your obstacle.Be prepared for sand loose gravel etc. and quick and tight turns.
note;each week I will have a new tip and remember keep riding!

WARNING! if you have a road race make sure you have good tires or they
may pop and give you serious injury.Now if you want to do good or better then use the tips
for mountain biking except ,#2.

I'll be back in a week!

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